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Following the “update” when you open the charger site and get to the list of chargers the individual charger ID is not fully...
Please add the Kia Sorento PHEV4 to the listing 🙏🏻
I cannot enter address line 1 as my address is not found
If you tap on a charger in the map, the prices shown are outdated. At least for most if not all German charging networks. To...
Please ad the Ford Kuga MK3 Facelift PHEV in the Vehicle database
Last months I didn’t get any rewards for photografing charging stations, no feedback on this
Currently on a charging point the connectors are labeled with for instance '1' and '2'. However, on the actual charging station...
Please stop using IOS notifications for advertising. These are for application messages and the marketing team should not be...
Why are the Volkswagen and Skoda hybrids not listed?